Come experience a leadership experience of a lifetime. Lift Your Wings & Soar Within Your S.P.A.C.E.© is an innovative, comprehensive and insightful five day experience (four days and a one day follow-up) that develops DEI equity leaders as they find meaning in their Equity Leadership Odyssey. The Lift Your Wings & Soar® Educational Program also provides an educational “equity tool kit” within the context of S.P.A.C.E.© to assist leaders in becoming effective DEI Equitable Leaders by using the innovative concept of S.P.A.C.E.©

(Self-Aware/Soul, Profession, Accountability, Community and Encouragement/Edification).©.

Lift Your Wings & Soar has three tracks. There is one for company’s and organizations, another for faith-based communities and a personal development track for individuals to assist them in their personal journey (healing and leadership).

Individuals who participate in the Lift Your Wings & Soar receive an entire collection of the Wings That Soar®Leadership Cards and various promotional items.

Please contact us to schedule a free 20 minute consultation on how we can assist you.

Lift Your Wings and Soar™ — Tracy L. Brown